Thursday, December 30, 2010

Keep Calm and (awkward pause)...okay, just Keep Calm.

Happy Thursday, all! The new year is looming which could mean a whole bucketload of things for me, you and yours. End of year goal reckoning? Naturally. New goals? Probably. Quickly eating the rest of the holiday goodies before the new year's diet starts? Oh, most definitely. 2011 is our year, people! Thinking about starting a draft/finishing a draft/submitting a manuscript/finding an agent/self publishing/spending your hard earned millions from your book deal?

You can DO it! I have complete and utter confidence in you. And we here at the Archives are right alongside you. Let's cheer everyone on and kick the crap out of this year!!

But first things first. CONTEST results!

Thank you all for means so much that you people are stopping by! I wish I had a million books to give away but alas, I'm still waiting for my own bajillion dollar book deal. so! Without further ado, congratulations to:

1. aravenswritingdesk
2. Erin
3. Lisa_Gibson
4. Susan Kaye Quinn

Hooray! Please email me your top three choices of prizes (kmcriddle (at) gmail (dot) com) and I will try to accommodate in the order the RNG picked you! You can review the list and post here: Yay books and whatnot!

Happy New Year to all! What are your writing goals for this year? I hope to get some good feedback from some houses about my manuscript out on submission and, inshallah, get some REALLY good news from one of them. If not, I've got sequels to draft, drafts to revise and shiny new ideas to indulge. What about you?

Good luck, keep calm and here's to another fabulous 365 days of this roller coaster we endearingly call life...


L. T. Host said...

Yay contest winners! :)

I have lofty goals for 2011. They are:

-Find an agent
-Get a book deal
-Buy a metal detector
-Go to Arabia and find a magic lamp
-Harness magic-lamp-genie's wishing powers to make the first two come true.

I might need to find the Cave of Wonders in there somewhere too.

It's going to be a long and expensive year.

Happy 2011 everyone!

K. Marie Criddle said...

Ha! So you're only going to be using two of those wishes? Cause I could totally use a new desktop. Oh, and world peace. Decisions...

You totally can do it, genie or not. But if you do go, call me from the camel!

L. T. Host said...

I need a new computer too. How about my third wish is free computers for everyone!!!!!

It's kind of like world peace, in that if EVERYONE has the internet they will probably all be too distracted to start wars. . .


Erin said...

Yay, winning! Thanks!!!

I like your "kick the crap out of this year" sentiment... =)

K. Marie Criddle said...

L.T., totally! It's like that commercial on Hulu of the little girl in Africa with the learning laptop, the green and white one? You'll have a million cute little kids looking at you saying "You have world!" (Okay, is it just me who's obsessed with this commercial? KEEP IT COOL, CRIDDLE) And then all those kids will get on twitter and it's all over.

And congrats, Erin! Thanks again for stopping by to kick the crap out of stuff with us. :)

Susan Kaye Quinn said...

Yay! I'm pumped to see what I won, but I'll have to wait until the other winners take their picks. I will endeavor to be patient. It's not my strong point.

Good luck on your submissions!!

I have lots of writerly goals for 2011, but they boil down to this: write more, write better, keep running on the publishing-hamster-wheel. :)

Happy New Year to all!

Lisa_Gibson said...

I'm so excited to have won! Thanks. And great goals for 2011. I'm with ya' on that magic lamp. :)