L.T. Host really set the bar high with her list of prizes. There are so many choices! *Drools* *Reaches longingly at list of prizes*. Wait, am I ineligible now that I'm an Alliterati member?
*Cough* Anywho, let's cut the cripes and get on with the prizes. Because L.T. Host has more experience with these contest thingies, I'm going to follow her lead. I will choose TWO winners. First place will have his/her choice, and second place will choose one of the remaining prizes.
Option #1
A copy of one of the following books:
Option #2
The official movie poster for THE HUNGER GAMES.
(I snagged this baby at Comic-Con a few weeks ago)
Option #3
A $20 gift card for your choice of Amazon or Barnes & Noble to buy whichever book you like.
+1 entry for following the blog and commenting on this post.
+1 entry for Tweeting, Blogging, Facebooking, etc. and linking it in a comment (max two extra points - but feel free to promote it as much as you like).
Contest ends at midnight on the night of TUESDAY, AUGUST 23. Because this is my first contest, I will just do a random drawing for both prizes.
If you are one of the randomly selected winners, you MAY be granted first choice if you tell me in the comments below who your favorite Harry Potter character is and why. If you don't like Harry Potter, what the HECK is wrong with you?! I mean ... you may also tell me your favorite literary character of all time and why.
Good luck! Thank you for entering!
*UPDATE - This contest is open internationally. :D
How about first pick for first comment?! :) poetic and tweeting!
Fav character...um...Four! He's just, awesome. Besides super hot guys, Vada from My Girl.
Awesome prizes! Thanks so much :D I'm a follower and I tweeted here: http://twitter.com/#!/LoriMLee/status/103664125980319744
My favorite HP character is Draco Malfoy :) I wish his character had undergone a more in-depth arc but I'm also happy with what the one he did get.
I'm a follower! Please enter me!
Hmm....my favorite literary character is Mr. Darcy.
Here's my comment, and I tweeted as well (@jadencoal). As far as Harry Potter goes...holy ohmigosh, I can't believe there's someone else who's as enthusiastic as me! Ah, now that that's off my chest... :) I think my favorite character is a toss-up between Lupin and the Fred/George unit. Fred and George are the perfect comic relief and the kind of older brothers I wish I had, and Lupin is an amazing role model for Harry (as well as the type of DADA professor I would want to have). Welcome to the Archives, btw!
enter me!
americangirlie1991 at yahoo dot com
and fav. character is hermione! i love her wit!!
Yay for contests! I hope I win.
I lovelovelove Ron. He would be the best best friend ever (no disrespect meant to my real best friends. But they would understand, because it's RON.)
I'm in. Tweeted here.
My favorite character is easily Snape. As much as Rowling tried to convince me he was evil, I didn't believe it for a second.
Yay! Thanks for the giveaway! I only have one question, is this international? if this is international, count me in!
My Fave HP character is.... Harry Potter! (Surprise!) hehe! He's my favorite because he is just plain awesome! Need I say more?
I tweeted!: http://twitter.com/#!/kimson_dino/status/103702189142310912
My fav HP character is Hermione she is such an awesome kick a$$ girl & I love that she can can be just like one of the boys!
GFC- ashley
Tweeted- http://twitter.com/#!/Holt9102/status/103714766794665984
think I have loved the character Harry Potter himself, bacause I have a gradson that is a dead wrigher for him..its been fun to watch them both grow up and yet the changes on both are still so similar..kind CREEPY TOO
Thanks for the giveaway!! My favorite Harry Potter character is Snape.
I don't want to spoil anything for those 3 or 4 people who haven't read it yet, so I'll just say it's because he's so multi-layered.
Ron Weasley would be my fave HP character. He's funny and I just love him.
Congrats on your first giveaway! We also have one on our blog. :)
tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/IvaliceAlliance/status/103952025892560896
sauvadeavelle @ yahoo.com
grats on your first contest!
elizafaith (at) gmail (dot) com
New follower here! Found you on somebody's tweet link. :)
My face HP character is probably Ginny Weasley. In the movies, her role is downplayed a lot more than in the books. Ginny has this quiet but bold personality. She's also quite talented with her magic.
Thanks for the contest! What a fun idea ;) And oh, it's nice to meet you.
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