Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Publisher Lessons: Any Questions?

First let me congratulate the folks who've been NaNoWriMo-ing this past month -- today's the last day and you've gotten through the month! It doesn't matter if you've "won" or not, the important thing is that you tried.

I don't have a plan for this post (speaking of which I really need to consider that), so I thought I'd open the virtual floor up to any questions you might want to ask. I'm open to queries about ... well, queries, submission guidelines, whether to send chocolates or not, and basically anything else you might want to ask someone on the "other side of the desk" as it were.

Agented or un-agented, published or un-published, I'm sure there's things you're itching to know. So have at it, and I'll take a stab at answering starting next week.

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